How to Juggle Family With Study
Are you a parent raising a family?
Breakfast, the school run, dinner, washing, the daily job list goes on and on for parents. While lots of them would love to do a course and gain a qualification, finding the time to study can be a struggle. If this sounds like you, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Hundreds of parents study with EmployEase every year. Follow these tips on managing family with study and discover how you can gain the qualification you’ve been looking for.
1. Choose the right course
A 9am-5pm course which runs from Monday to Friday can be tricky to fit in with the school run. It’s essential that you pick a course that suits your schedule. This might include family-friendly hours and courses which finishes before 3 pm. If your daytime is fully booked up, an evening course could be the key to your success. If you still don’t have enough time in the evening, EmployEase offer part-time courses. This could be the ideal way to juggle family tasks with study.
2. Maintain a healthy balance
Always remember to take it easy and have fun. Spending time with your family isn’t just enjoyable, it’s a simple to recharge your batteries and reboot your brain. Don’t overload your ‘to do’ list and leave minimal time for sitting back and relaxing. You can have the best of both worlds with some goal setting and careful planning.
Key tip: Studying while your kids are occupied. Get the books out once they’re asleep or before they wake up.
I juggled family life and study. I had to catch rides for transport from time to time but everything fell into place. Always remember to organise and prioritise. If you work hard, you’ll get great results!
Tracy T, EmployEase Graduate
3. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Organisation and preparation is the key to study success. Create a timetable and remember to block out time for both study and play. This is a great way to let your family know when not to disturb you! If you have an older child, it’s a good idea to plan out study time on the same schedule. When you study, they study, when you play, they play! This is an excellent way to enforce the importance of study and learning.
Key tip: Smaller children are renowned nappers! This is prime time for your studies. Once they drop off, sneak out a book and start learning.
4. Study buddy
Two brains are better than one, so consider finding a study buddy. Got friends or family with children who would be interested in getting a qualification? Enroll at the same time, and you can help each other out with revision, notes, and play/study dates!
Want to know more? Get in touch.
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