Our Students Go Bowling
Our Students

Our Students Go Bowling

Recently a few of our Certificate II in Work Education students went out for bowling in Zone Bowling, Frankston. The trip was organised by the daughter of the manager from Shabby To Chic Groomers, where one of our students is doing their placement in.

These students face daily challenges with being dependant on carers, in reading, writing, social interactions and often experience physical and emotional setbacks. They enjoy arts, fashion, music and football. Two of the guys even support Collingwood!

Together with our awesome Trainer & Support Worker Karen, our students got an opportunity to improve their teamwork, communication & coordination skills in a fun, social setting.


About Karen

Karen trains Certificate I in Transition Education and Certificate II in Work Education. She is also a support worker who enjoys working with adults living with intellectual disabilities.

The small goals that they achieve are so satisfying to watch and it’s my passion to help people be the best that they can be!

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