Why You Should Start a Recessionproof Career in Aged Care
COVID-19 has given many of us a chance to see Aged Care as a stable and consistent career that is unlikely to feel the same ups and downs as other sectors such as manufacturing and hospitality where redundancies are now common.
Stable employment
We know that working in Aged Care, as with many health sector careers, is unlikely to elevate you to the Forbes Richest list, but if stable employment with flexibility and job satisfaction is what you are seeking, then it may be just the time to reconsider an Aged Care Career.
Jobs jobs jobs!
As more and more jobs are automated or shifted offshore, human services is a choice of career that is possibly the most future proof you will find today. With Australia’s aging population, we may be looking at struggling to meet the supply of workers in the Aged Care Sector to reach the demands of our community demographic. Not great news for employers necessarily, but terrific news for those looking for a long-term career filled with opportunity for growth.
Highly regarded career
Of all the valuable lessons COVID-19 has brought us, aside from how to ration toilet paper, perhaps the most relevant for the Aged Care Sector has been the acknowledgment of the value of aged care workers. This recognition has been a big shift from the previous Aged Care centred dialogue which was, unfortunately, built upon by rotten apples in the sector, and a Royal Commission that highlighted many major flaws.
COVID-19 has allowed Aged Care to rewrite the narrative and highlight the best of Aged Care, allowing many wonderful Nurses, Personal Care Assistants and other Aged Care workers to shine as pillars of their communities, keeping our aged and vulnerable safe in the strangest of times.
Relayed in popular media have been many accounts of Corona-based isolation in our elderly population. However, as highlighted by HCA Occupational Therapist, Abbey, who said she enjoys Aged Care work because she knows her visit may be the only time a client sees someone from outside in the entire week, this is the norm for many.
Corona has simply outlined the importance of Aged Care workers in the social well-being of our aged, in addition to providing support for activities of daily living.
Is a career in aged care for you?
As many Australian’s lose their jobs as a result of the pandemic, starting a career in aged care could be an amazing opportunity to find stable employment that will never go out of business.
EmployEase has been delivering aged care courses throughout Victoria for over 27 years and recently opened up brand new campuses in South Australia after identifying the need for quality training in the region. Gaining a nationally recognised qualification that is needed to start working in the sector takes around 6 months and EmployEase has multiple intakes throughout the year.
Click here to learn more about becoming a fully qualified aged care worker in Victoria of South Australia.
Start a rewarding career today
Kick your career goals with EmployEase and learn the skills to make a real difference in your community.